
Cambriged Brewing Company - Yum!

Just took a trip to Boston, MA and enjoyed a sampling of the high gravity brews at the Cambridge Brewing Company. What a pleasure to try some amazing brews. The Belgian Pale Ale was sheer delight. Hoppy, but with that characteristic phenolic flavoring of some Belgian brews only very subtle. I wanted to give the Barley Wine a try but the realization that I had to at some point drive made up my mind that I would have to try it when it was safer to do so.....

Here is the brew docket on my sample journey:

  • Three Rings Belgian Pale Ale
  • Big Man Ale CBC's Winter Seasonal I.P.A.
  • Late Harvest I.P.A. India Pale Ale with New England hops!
  • Tripel Threat Belgian-style Strong Ale
  • Harvey Milk Stout Sweet stout served via nitrogen faucet.